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reddit is a social news website on which users can post links to content on the Internet. Other users may then vote the posted links up or down, causing them to become more or less prominent on the Reddit home page.


Picture is a free social networking site and collaboration tool aimed at scientific researchers from all disciplines of science. It provides web applications including semantic searching, file sharing (whole abstract searching) publication database sharing (e.g libraries), forums, methodology discussions, groups etc. Members can create their personal blog within the network. Since May 2008, ResearchGATE has gathered a user base of more than 400,000 researchers from 196 countries

Intrigue and adventure in the united arab emirates: A blog dedicated to reporting controversial news about united arab emirates that is not generally published in the local media.

This is an interesting blog made by a good friend arif vakil and his brother ali vakil. this blog shares some important information and inspirational advice on the subject of life, work, religion and many other topics that are relevant to most of us. personally found this blog one the few ones that would make you visit it over and over again : interesting online business tools. so now your business goes where you go

Knowledge is for everyone. It does not have a price

damn interesting: first there is the interesting news and now we have the Damn Interesting news.